• Homework Procedures 

    -There will be homework assigned almost every evening.

    -Students must ALWAYS show their work for full credit.




    30% Daily Grades (Homework and other assignments.)

    30% Quizzes

    40% Tests (Tests and Projects)



    Tests and Projects

    There will be 2 tests and one project per six weeks. 


    Test Retakes

    Students have the option to retake tests for a 70 after attending tutorials.




    Supply List


    -1 - 3 ring binder

    -Notebook paper



    -Dry erase markers

    -Donations of tissue boxes are always appreciated!



    Cell Phone Use

    Cell phones must be put away during class unless prior teacher approval is given.


    Conference and Tutoring 
    My conference period is 7th period 1:55-2:44.  You can contact me at hwells@santoisd.net or through the Remind system.  I completely believe it is important for parents and teachers to work together.  Please feel free to contact me at any  time.  If you would like to speak on the phone, please call the High School office at 940-769-3847 to leave me a number and good time to call.  I will be very happy to get back to you. 
    My tutorials hours are Monday and Thursday mornings beginning at 7:15am or by appointment.