• The ESSER III Fund was passed in March 2021, under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021. ESSER III is expected to provide approximately $11.177 billion to Texas school districts. The Texas Education Agency (TEA), as the pass-through entity from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and TEA awards subgrants to non-federal entities such as local education agencies (LEAs). ARP ESSER III focuses on school districts reopening and operating safely, as well as, addressing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students.

    Santo ISD is eligible for a total of $978,357 from the ARP ESSER III Fund. To receive the funds, Santo ISD is required to submit a grant application to the Texas Education Agency by 5:00 p.m. July 27, 2021. The grant will be awarded in two phases. In phase 1, Santo ISD will receive two-thirds of the total available grant, equaling to the amount of $652,238. In phase 2, Santo ISD will receive the remaining one-third of the total available grant, equaling to the amount of $326,119.

  • How can ESSER III funds be used?

  • Are any of the funds dedicated for a specific purpose?

  • Stakeholder Input #1

  • Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan

  • Santo ISD's Use of Funds Plan 2020-2023

  • Please feel free to contact Greg Gilbert at 940-769-2835 if you have any questions.

Last Modified on July 29, 2022