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Transportation Requests

Non-Athletic Student Transportation Request

If you need a BUS or VEHICLE for a STUDENT transport (field trip, band trip, or other school-related even)t please download the form below. These requests must ultimately filter through the district office.

  1.  Download, fill out in Adobe, and print OR download, print, and fill out by hand (pen only please).
    1. Requesting a bus? Please try to secure a driver. If you cannot, the district office will find one for you.
  2.  Turn in  to campus administrator 2 weeks prior to date of trip.
  3.  Email and with basic info (date, location of trip, group, number of buses, number of students) to get on the calendar.
  4.  Campus principal will sign and forward to superintendent's office for his signature.
  5.  Three copies of the form will be made: 1 retained by the district office, 1 given to transportation, and 1 given to the trip driver.
    1. The trip driver MUST fill out the form COMPLETELY and turn it in to the district office within 2 working days of the event.

Extra-Curricular Transportation Request

Athletic or CTE Student Transportation Request

If you need a BUS or VEHICLE for a STUDENT transport for athletics or CTE/FFA travel, these forms should be on buses. If not,  please download the form below. These requests must ultimately filter through the athletic director's or secondary principal's office.

  1. Verify that your event is correct on the District Calendar at If it is incorrect, contact Christy in the District office.
  2. Email Sam Smith at to reserve a bus.
  3. Check for a clipboard on the bus you are taking. If there is no clipboard on the bus, find Sam or Terry in the Transportation Facility or print off an Athletic or FFA Trip Report Form below.
  4. Follow the instructions on the clipboard or the form.

Athletic or CTE Transportation Request

Staff Vehicle Request

Any SISD employee may reserve a vehicle for travel for school business. Arrangements need to be made directly with the Transportation Department by emailing Transportation Manager Sam Smith or calling his extension.

Staff Vehicle Request