Dyslexia Screening & Services
Dyslexia Screening
As required by state law, Texas Education Code (TEC) §38.003 and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §74.28, all kindergarten and first-grade students across the district are screened for dyslexia and other reading concerns. The purpose of this screening is to identify children in kindergarten and first grade who may need additional evidence-based instruction and intervention. Research supports the positive impact of identification and intervention in the core skill areas of reading, spelling, and writing.
Screening for first-grade students is conducted by January 31st of each school year. Kindergarten students are screened at the end of the school year. The screenings are designed to identify predictors or "red flags" that suggest a child may have later difficulty with reading development and to identify areas where a child may benefit from interventions. Parents are notified of the findings when it is determined that their child, in accordance with TEC §28.006, will need an accelerated reading intervention/instruction program.
For questions regarding the screening process or results, please contact your student's campus.